Sunday, May 6, 2007

The wind of change...?

Such a long time has passed without changing anything in my life! It's not the fact that i needed a change and just did it, or decided to do it somehow, but the feeling that I forgot how to change things. It's strange how people decide to take steps and just stuck there, gazing around, without having the guts to accept the change that they are about to proceed in and stand behind the choices that they make… Sometimes I feel like being a schmuck, a bad seed that have grown into an evil creature, a real villain that just lives for the pleasure of erasing paths and crushing milestones. But each and every time I realize that roads and landmarks can be rebuilt, in shorter or longer time, and travelers can continue their journeys till the next crossroads. I might be not such a tall tower of evil.


Unknown said...

Cum adica ma "living" mind? Ce vrei sa spui? Dupa ce ca e living, mai e si intre ghilimele. Adica mintea mea traieste sau nu? Si daca traieste, cum adica minte care traieste? Hmmm, m-ai pus pe ganduri... E vreo parola? Stiam ca ai dosare despre fiecare, dar nu credeam ca o sa le publici pe net, in varianta criptata! Ce lovitura, bai taifunule, simunule, crivatule de la rasarit!

AMB said...

hmmm Windy u should call him "puke buffalo". Friends can tell why!!!!:)